In this laboratory, research related to the safety and reliability of materials connected with the development of materials that are durable at ultra-high temperatures over long periods of time is promoted based on the development of high efficiency gas turbines. Fracture physics and chemistry is studied by elucidating degradation and damage mechanisms, especially for Ni base superalloys, thermal barrier coatings, and C/C composites. The drastic improvements in efficiency of high energy conversion equipment demanded by society were realized through this research, contributing to the reduction of environmental impacts.
講義資料 1(疲労強度1)
講義資料 2(疲労強度2)
講義資料 3(高温強度)
講義資料 4(環境強度)
仙台市青葉区荒巻字青葉6-6-11 総合研究棟703号室
Email: ogawa_web[at]rift.mech.tohoku.ac.jp